HP 500/800 designjet printer error codes
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- Issue Time
- Oct 17,2011
HP 500/800 designjet printer error codes
HP800 system error code:
Description of the character of the error
0x: yy 1x: yy 2x: yy 3x: yy 4x: yy 5x: yy This usually points to the device causing the problem. By recovery instructions.
6x: yy firmware file handling and input / output modules have a problem. If the communication is configured correctly, these errors usually indicates that the software or firmware problem. Usually require a firmware fix.
7x: yy often firmware problem. Usually require a firmware fix.
8x: yy 9x: yy there is a complex mechanical system problems. Cause of the problem is not clear, it is necessary to solve these errors.
xx: 1y by HP customer support or assistance in the implementation of the HP customer support operations.
xx: 0y user should perform the operation.
xx: y0 replacement parts.
xx: y1 perform manual operation (to be explained in the service manual).
xx: y2 automatic operation (to be explained in the service manual).
xx: y3 off the printer.
xx: y4 upgrade the firmware (if the new firmware is available).
xx: y5 upgrade system software (if the new version is available).
0x: yy and 1x: yy error error message error code of electronic components
01:10 electronic module error. Replacement of the electronics module. Electronic modules are usually wrong. Replacement of the electronics module.
01:12 automatic electronic module error fault removal process (firmware upgrades, electronic testing, electronic configuration). (Error) is detected during the firmware upgrade memory problems, encounter strange electronic module error. Sometimes failed firmware upgrade can solve the problem, but it may need to replace the electronic module. (Warning) electronic sign display module EEPROM is empty, the contents of the EEPROM must be used to upgrade the carriage, but also a sign of the carriage is empty. Not perform the backup. This is an error during processing or repair results. Must reconfigure the electronics module.
02:10 penholder error. Replacement of the carriage. Electronic components are usually the carriage error. Replacement of the carriage.
4:13 Card error. Power is off. LAN common errors. Turn the printer off and back on.
05:10 HP800 code, to be added ... ... ADAOZ ??(have been identified: the format plate problem)
08:11 front panel error. Manual adjustment to the front panel not detected. Reconnect the front panel.
11:10 penholder track cable error. Replacement of the carriage track cable (carriage track cable is part of the carriage unit). PCA detected between the carriage and the main communication cable through the carriage tracking error. This usually means the carriage track cable is defective.
11:11 penholder track cable error. Manual adjustment. Failure to track the cable carriage test electrical continuity, reconnect the cable carriage track. 2x: yy and 3x: yy component error error code error message detailed description of common
21:10 service station error. Replacement service station. Control of the mobile service service station closed. This means that service stations do not make the shuttle device upgrade. Replacement service station.
22:10 Mexican station for error. Replacement for the ink station. Printer can not find the main ISS position encoder. This may be the sensor or mechanical problems. Replacement of ISS.
27x: 00 x color print head error (270: black; 271: Green; 272: red; 273: yellow). Replace the print head. (Warning) print head error. Replace the print head.
35:01 clean Part Error. Reinstall the cleaned parts. When loading paper, parts cleaning is not detected, re-install the cleaning part. 4x: yy-5x: yy component error error code error message detailed general description of
42:10 scan axis motor error. Replacement of the axis of the motor error. Scan axis motor to detect a short circuit. Replace the scanner motor axis.
56:10 feed roller encoder sensor error. Replacing the feed roller encoder sensor. Adjusting the feed motor / encoder system detects a problem or try to find the zero encoder disk. This is usually encoder sensor problem. Replace the encoder sensor.
56:13 feed roller encoder sensor error. Power is off. Adjusting the feed motor / encoder system detects a problem.
58:10 color sensor error. Change the color sensor (sensor is part of the carriage set). Color sensor system detects a problem. Replacement of the carriage.
6x: yy communication error error code error message to explain details common
61:05 language translation error. Upgrade the computer software. (Warning) This file is usually generated when an error analysis. Between the driver and firmware incompatibilities may exist. Upgrade the driver (if the new drivers are available).
62:04 63:04 64:04 65:04 I / O module error (62: Parallel; 63: Network; 64: USB). Upgrade the firmware. Firmware I / O module error. Upgrading firmware (if the new version is available).
7x: yy firmware error error code error message detailed description of common
71:03 memory management error. Power is off. Memory errors may occur, therefore, in theory, can not happen again. However, if you happen again, then turn the printer off and then on should be able to solve the problem.
71:14 memory management error. Upgrading firmware (HP technical support in the help). Occurred during the firmware upgrade memory overflow error. This error is rare. Fault firmware upgrade may solve the problem.
72:04 general firmware error. Upgrade the firmware. Firmware firmware damage occurred on the control point. This error never occurred. If there is a hardware defect.
74:12 firmware upgrade error. Automatic troubleshooting steps (specific firmware upgrade). The firmware upgrade process memory size check failed. Defects should be the firmware upgrade process failed. Production sector needs special firmware upgrade file.
79:04 common firmware error. Upgrade the firmware. Firmware is corrupted. This error never occurred; if there is a hardware defect
8x: yy error message-driven general description of the motor error error code details
81:01 printed material misfeeds. Manual removal (paper path). (Error) off the axis of the paper. Usually indicates a paper jam.
HP800 system error code:
Description of the character of the error
0x: yy 1x: yy 2x: yy 3x: yy 4x: yy 5x: yy This usually points to the device causing the problem. By recovery instructions.
6x: yy firmware file handling and input / output modules have a problem. If the communication is configured correctly, these errors usually indicates that the software or firmware problem. Usually require a firmware fix.
7x: yy often firmware problem. Usually require a firmware fix.
8x: yy 9x: yy there is a complex mechanical system problems. Cause of the problem is not clear, it is necessary to solve these errors.
xx: 1y by HP customer support or assistance in the implementation of the HP customer support operations.
xx: 0y user should perform the operation.
xx: y0 replacement parts.
xx: y1 perform manual operation (to be explained in the service manual).
xx: y2 automatic operation (to be explained in the service manual).
xx: y3 off the printer.
xx: y4 upgrade the firmware (if the new firmware is available).
xx: y5 upgrade system software (if the new version is available).
0x: yy and 1x: yy error error message error code of electronic components
01:10 electronic module error. Replacement of the electronics module. Electronic modules are usually wrong. Replacement of the electronics module.
01:12 automatic electronic module error fault removal process (firmware upgrades, electronic testing, electronic configuration). (Error) is detected during the firmware upgrade memory problems, encounter strange electronic module error. Sometimes failed firmware upgrade can solve the problem, but it may need to replace the electronic module. (Warning) electronic sign display module EEPROM is empty, the contents of the EEPROM must be used to upgrade the carriage, but also a sign of the carriage is empty. Not perform the backup. This is an error during processing or repair results. Must reconfigure the electronics module.
02:10 penholder error. Replacement of the carriage. Electronic components are usually the carriage error. Replacement of the carriage.
4:13 Card error. Power is off. LAN common errors. Turn the printer off and back on.
05:10 HP800 code, to be added ... ... ADAOZ ??(have been identified: the format plate problem)
08:11 front panel error. Manual adjustment to the front panel not detected. Reconnect the front panel.
11:10 penholder track cable error. Replacement of the carriage track cable (carriage track cable is part of the carriage unit). PCA detected between the carriage and the main communication cable through the carriage tracking error. This usually means the carriage track cable is defective.
11:11 penholder track cable error. Manual adjustment. Failure to track the cable carriage test electrical continuity, reconnect the cable carriage track. 2x: yy and 3x: yy component error error code error message detailed description of common
21:10 service station error. Replacement service station. Control of the mobile service service station closed. This means that service stations do not make the shuttle device upgrade. Replacement service station.
22:10 Mexican station for error. Replacement for the ink station. Printer can not find the main ISS position encoder. This may be the sensor or mechanical problems. Replacement of ISS.
27x: 00 x color print head error (270: black; 271: Green; 272: red; 273: yellow). Replace the print head. (Warning) print head error. Replace the print head.
35:01 clean Part Error. Reinstall the cleaned parts. When loading paper, parts cleaning is not detected, re-install the cleaning part. 4x: yy-5x: yy component error error code error message detailed general description of
42:10 scan axis motor error. Replacement of the axis of the motor error. Scan axis motor to detect a short circuit. Replace the scanner motor axis.
56:10 feed roller encoder sensor error. Replacing the feed roller encoder sensor. Adjusting the feed motor / encoder system detects a problem or try to find the zero encoder disk. This is usually encoder sensor problem. Replace the encoder sensor.
56:13 feed roller encoder sensor error. Power is off. Adjusting the feed motor / encoder system detects a problem.
58:10 color sensor error. Change the color sensor (sensor is part of the carriage set). Color sensor system detects a problem. Replacement of the carriage.
6x: yy communication error error code error message to explain details common
61:05 language translation error. Upgrade the computer software. (Warning) This file is usually generated when an error analysis. Between the driver and firmware incompatibilities may exist. Upgrade the driver (if the new drivers are available).
62:04 63:04 64:04 65:04 I / O module error (62: Parallel; 63: Network; 64: USB). Upgrade the firmware. Firmware I / O module error. Upgrading firmware (if the new version is available).
7x: yy firmware error error code error message detailed description of common
71:03 memory management error. Power is off. Memory errors may occur, therefore, in theory, can not happen again. However, if you happen again, then turn the printer off and then on should be able to solve the problem.
71:14 memory management error. Upgrading firmware (HP technical support in the help). Occurred during the firmware upgrade memory overflow error. This error is rare. Fault firmware upgrade may solve the problem.
72:04 general firmware error. Upgrade the firmware. Firmware firmware damage occurred on the control point. This error never occurred. If there is a hardware defect.
74:12 firmware upgrade error. Automatic troubleshooting steps (specific firmware upgrade). The firmware upgrade process memory size check failed. Defects should be the firmware upgrade process failed. Production sector needs special firmware upgrade file.
79:04 common firmware error. Upgrade the firmware. Firmware is corrupted. This error never occurred; if there is a hardware defect
8x: yy error message-driven general description of the motor error error code details
81:01 printed material misfeeds. Manual removal (paper path). (Error) off the axis of the paper. Usually indicates a paper jam.